Valentine’s Day

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3 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Love

Hello everyone. The month of February is often focused on love: Valentine's day. Love is gentle, yet powerful. We often read a lot about how to love your partner, your children. We tend to forget about ourselves until we feel exhausted. Self-love is an expression of unconditional acceptance of yourself, including your imperfections. It gives us inner peace and strength to live the way how we truly want to be.

1. Stop comparing yourself to others

Society seems to have a checklist to define how we should be: graduation, buy a house, get married, have kids. When we finish this list, does that make us a perfect person in our head? Listen to your heart. If things don't go the way you want it to be, try to accept your imperfections. In Ikebana, Japanese flower arranging, we don't want flowers to be at the same length, same angle because that is too boring. The society norm is not dangerous, but it is too crowded for sure.

2. Be gentle to yourself

Take care of yourself emotionally and physically. Make time for yourself. Say "no" to people when you need to. Listen to your body, it is perfectly fine to take a break. Just like the safety videos we watch on the airplane, "please take care of yourself before you take care of other people." 

3. Smile at yourself in the mirror, give yourself a hug or a bouquet of flowers

Look into your eyes intentionally every day. You have worked hard to come to where you are today. You deserve to be loved. Having another person telling us, "I love you," or gifting us flowers is nice and warm. But remember, we can also tell ourselves "I love you," and gift ourselves a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

Whether you are single or married, wish you a happy Valentine's Day!